About Anusara & Class Levels
Andrea Rimington
Anusara Yoga
Anusara® is a branch of Hatha yoga that is inspiring and uplifting!
Anusara means “flowing with grace,” both in the physical movement of the body but also spiritually by encouraging us to open up to the flow of life - “going with the flow,” or “following our hearts”.
Anusara classes have a meaningful theme, that sets the intention and attitude of the class, interweaved throughout them. The use of heart qualities to support the theme helps to go deep into the spirit of yoga, inviting us to remember and celebrate that life, in all its glorious forms, is a gift.
The Anusara Universal Principles of Alignment™ give students a blueprint on how to align the body, heart and mind, bringing balance. The principles are used to allow individuals to develop their own unique alignment – it is not a one size fits all model, making the practice suitable for students of all levels.
There are over 250 poses included in Anusara Yoga but there are no set sequences. Anusara classes include grounding breath work, a heart theme, physical practice, meditation and savasana.
Beginners Couse These classes will teach you all the essentials you will need to begin your yoga journey or to deepen your existing yoga practice. They will give you the groundwork and confidence to attend regular classes or give you more confidence and understanding of common poses and flows. Everything starts with the breath - You will learn some key postures from each of the main groups including sun salutations, standing poses, forward & back bends, twists. These classes will introduce the Anusara UPAs. There will be a strong emphasis on the importance of alignment in all postures, working at your own level to find ease & stability in your poses and most importantly having some fun with it!
Level 1/2 Classes
To attend the level 1/2 classes you should have a knowledge of the basic yoga flows and asana such as the warrior poses. The Anusara yoga level I syllabus is comprised of the most fundamental asanas within the main postural classifications—standing poses, forward bends, hip-openers, twists, inversions, backbends, hand balancing, supine poses, restoratives, and warm-ups. The classes will introduce the main components of Anusara yoga’s UPAs (universal principles of alignment) and help you strengthen and build your yoga practice on and off the mat.
Restorative Yoga
A class of deep relaxation, containing 30 mins of passive poses, using props, the focus is on ease and release. Anybody can participate, no matter what your fitness level.
Following on there will be a 30 min guided Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation, promoting deep rest & relaxation. These are classes filled with bliss & pure yumminess!